The Wall Street Oasis


100+ chapters, 1,000+ templated, retakeable practice questions, and 10+ full length practice exams in our course taught by elite FINRA prep tutor Brandon Rith

Pass your FINRA Series 6 exam the first time, or your money back


FINRA Series 6 Exam Prep Course


Expert-written content

Our Series 6 course content was written to be approachable and easy to read by the best rising star FINRA instructor in the business, Brandon Rith, who won Fidelity Investments "Excellence in Action" award for Licensing facilitation eight times while there.


Personalized learning

Our review flashcards are backed by a powerful algorithm that adapts to your strengths and weaknesses, creating an individual review schedule for optimal results.

Full-length practice exams

With 1,000+ high-quality, hand-crafted FINRA Series 6 practice exam questions, you can take 10+ full-length practice exams that are built to simulate the real test.

Flexible studying

Bite-sized content means you can study any time, from a quick break at work to a quiet moment on your commute. The full learning experience is built for mobile and your computer.

Our students have landed and thrived at positions across all top Wall Street firms, including:

The App


Hands down the best product on the market, Achievable's Series 6 program is everything you'd expect from a 21st century learning experience. It's built for mobile - it works great on iPhone, Android, and tablet in addition to your PC - and for studying on the go, whether it's 5 minutes at a time or 50. But more importantly, our course leverages technology to help you succeed. Learning science called spaced repetition is the method behind the madness - tracking every piece of content as you study and scheduling it for the optimal time to improve your memory and knowledge.

Achievable Series 6 Exam Prep Apps

Primary Instruction


You'll get our original content for the Series 6 written by acclaimed FINRA Expert Brandon Rith. Brandon has spent 15 years in finance and has experience teaching a wide array of licenses (Series 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 24, 63, 65, 66). He is an 8-time Fidelity Investments Excellence in Action winner for Licensing Facilitation and was the #1 nationally ranked Licensing Facilitator at Fidelity (2015-2016). His tutoring business took off immediately with him now having to turn away clients due to capacity. He knows his stuff.

Achievable Series 6 exam prep - primary instructions

Memory-enhancing Reviews


We're proud of our review questions, which are paired with our memory-based adaptive learning algorithm to automatically optimize for your memory retention as you complete the course. Even more powerful is our programmatically generated math and multiple-choice questions, which are written as templates that produce different numbers and math each time – creating an "infinite quiz bank".

This is important: standard quiz banks are only about half as effective the second time through because you remember what you saw. By changing the numbers and answers in our questions each time, you will get the full learning effectiveness every time.

Achievable - Memory Science

How Much is Your
Future Career Worth?

Representative Series 6 Prep Programs


Corporate In-Person Training Course

In-person training, hosted at your company. You'll probably only choose this option if you're at a large firm.


Open Classroom In-Person Training Course

In-person training, often with people from many companies. 8 hours a day for a couple weeks.


Live Online Class

Online classes taken independently from your computer. Typically the same material as the in-person classes.


Online Self Study Training Course

The textbook, brought online. It's the same content as their books and you manage everything yourself.


WSO PRICE - For The Most Advanced Program On The Planet



Consider this an investment
in your career...

Think about what it took to get here.. Getting this far wasn't easy. You worked hard, got into a good school, and are trying to set yourself up for success. You did it because you knew it would take you somewhere - the money in finance is good, and the career opportunities are even better. You could be making six figures in your first year, and you'll definitely be making it by year three. That's just what the statistics show - and you'll be above average, right?

We could easily charge thousands of dollars...

...and your ROI would still be huge.

Now, do you really want to throw all that work away because you failed a test? Of course not.

At a fraction of that price, the ROI is even better... less than one dinner out with friends in exchange for thousands of dollars down the line. When you do the math, it's a no brainer.

Truth is, every time someone fails to get their securities license, it costs the firm that hired you $50,000. Yes, you cost $50,000 - they have to hire recruiters, marketing people, attend career fairs, and then they have to train you. It adds up. And worst of all, they don't have your ambitious self making sales for months while they go hire and train someone else. So when you show up with the Series 6 passed and ready to go, you're money - if you catch my drift.

We could charge a lot more for this. Even Kaplan's online self-study course is $129, and we could easily charge more than that. But we want to help you, the Chimp. The ape looking to make it on Wall Street. Because that's what this site is all about.

Instead, we're not going to charge you $349. Or even $129 like some of our competitors. We're offering this comprehensive course to you for $99.

But we're not going to charge you hundreds...


Or even $100+ like our competitors...



Get Unlimited Lifetime Access To The Achievable Series 6 Prep Course



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